What is "Happiness".. or just "happy"? www.thefreedictionary.com: 1. Characterized by good luck; fortunate. 2. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. 3. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous 4. Cheerful; willing Wikipedia.org: Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources. As for me.. Happiness is a feeling that one has when he is content.. where comes a moment in his life that he mustn't let loose, where he is to make time his own; when nothing else mattered except for that moment, for his liking. Well, that's not all but.. I think that's how I can explain it (oh, well it looks like "desire", not "happiness", haha. Happiness is something the c