
Showing posts from January, 2011

Fading Happiness

 <---fail Fading Happiness I'll try to submit it in our school's contest. :D I just don't know how, since this is a digital drawing and all. >3> Print? Errr.. Recently I've been experiencing a looot of chest pains. When I researched it in wiki, I think it's just precordial catch syndrome or something :v Since.. it's just chest pain whenever I bend backwards and whenever I laugh or cough.  I blocked my friend in Facebook because she's been getting into my nerves. I finished watching Kill Bill. The ending is sort of sweet and all. I want to learn Karate or martial arts or something. xD Moon cake <3

Made my own brush!

I made my own pencil brush. Yay. :D btw, that person there .. it's Firipin-tan but.. yeah, I know her hairstyle's Himaruya's supposed to be Vietnam's.. style. xD I don't know how to save the brush preset alone though.. the whole set of brushes is saved with it, lol.

Pencil brush (does this make sense? haha)

Click to enlarge.


So many things to do. I have to design a tarpaulin for an IP. Our product was one of the 3 best ones in class. (my group ranking the 2nd place), and we were entered in a contest. This is my 3rd contest then.. Because I got entered in a mixed media contest, then on January 21, another one.. which is body painting. We're gonna paint the upper body of a classmate, teeehee. xD anndd this. So I got a lot of stuff to do, ne? D:  I want to sleep, eat and draw. :c and, some classmates went to my house.. the first batch came to practice some dance steps for our practicum in PE. The 2nd one.. well, I taught them how to use photoshop :q

Imagenes de girasol

Taken with iPhone


I got a lot of things to do, ne. -3- No time for drawing?! You gotta be kidding me :( I still gotta memorize the countries capitals of Asia for a quiz on tuesday, work on my investigatory project.  As the leader, I will pressure my group mates.  and memorize an oratorical piece. :v anyway the deadline of that's still on Feb  so I'm safe xD I gotta do my assignments first though :v

Mocos. XD


Day .. uhh.. 2-3?

My dad continued the mural painting while I was at school :c

Mural painting + How I spent my new year's.

Weeeeeeee.  We've been doing this for 3+ hours. xDD ---- I spent my new year's in my aunt's house.. only some of my cousins were there (and they were GUYS.) I was drawing when midnight came, and I only noticed that it was 2011 after 15 minutes, lol. and, uhm, well, for 2 hours (after midnight) they played poker on half of the billiards table while I played billiards alone. (my other cousin sometimes butts in, lulz). annnnnnd most of the time, I put too much power on the ball and it jumps off. I hit my head on the metal clothes hanger once, and it hurt. Until now it still does :v  For 3 consecutive years, I haven't held any fireworks. I'm proud of myself *shot*. Ciao :v