Took online tests for my personality type (The Myers-Briggs ones)
The first I took is also the same one I took last year. I still got the same result; INTJ. (Mastermind) (my older sister agrees with this)
I took another test (Jung; which is more complicated-looking cause it's those accuracy tests rated from 1-5, the first one I took only had those yes/no questions) my result was INTP (Architect), but before that I sort of guessed the other questions since I can't register the words "introspective" and "spontaneous" and some other words in my mind. So I went back and took the test again then I got INTJ and INTP. (50:50)
I read the descriptions for both of them, I could be any. I'm confused.
Anyway, it's only them to choose from. Though I'm still not sure which one is really me. 
I read some differences between them in some sites... and I couldn't make up my mind. At some times I could be INTP, some times I could be INTJ. 
I tried another test, and I answered as truthful as I could be, and I really thought I'd go jump to some other type.

This is the type I most of the time end up with. I better go with that.

The previous result has Introverted: 78, Intuitive: 38, Thinking: 12, Judging: 22. I got it from the same test but done 2 days ago.

Okay, what?! 

Second time I blurted out "Ah, shit!" when I saw this. Didn't expect that.
Maybe I really am INTJ with some INTP's characteristics, no?

Should I be convinced now?


This is what I meant about the 50/50 thing. So If I refresh, it will be..

 Click here for some other personality tests. 

I therefore conclude that I am an INTJ but, since most of the time, I always get an almost equal percentage for Perceiving part, I have INTP traits. 

Yeeeep. I was thinking of putting that earlier, haha.


  1. What sites did you use? I usually get INTJ or INTP too.

  2. dude, this is me also

  3. same here. here's what I got in order; INTP,INTP,INTJ,INTP,INTJ,INTJ.


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