Simple Happiness

Simple happiness is found in your surroundings.
The hobbies you do, the things you see, the people who talk to you, everything.

All you need to do is appreciate and accept them as who or what they are, for you and for others.
It would be as easy as that, to find the simplest form of happiness.


It's a simple weekend! This is what I wanted to have.. Nothing to do, not going out, just here, relaxing.. There's nothing to worry about! Just eating a pack of Original flavored Skittles while in front of my laptop. It's as simple as that! And I'm temporarily content.

Yesterday, I brought a cat home from school. It's downstairs in the garage. It's a very decent cat and I don't want to put it astray. I would like to take pictures of it but too bad our camera's broken. 

And, again, I'm trying to control my utterly berserk emotions. 
This stupid love problem's been bothering me, and I can't exactly tell whether I'm happy or not for this person whom I like a lot. I even made stories about us in a website, which is a true story (that have some twitches, a bit) I'd love to read them again.. but I don't want to. Why? It will make me sadder because I'd regret not cherishing those lovely moments we had in the past. Sigh.
I still don't want to move on yet. The feeling's also making me happy. I don't want to know why..

This may be the shortest post I've posted, yes. Well.. I can't do anything about that, right?



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