A Swarm of Pretty Dragonflies

While I was at school, around dismissal time, I noticed that there were two to three dragonflies flying about. Then my friend said "Hey, look at all those dragonflies in the sky!" I looked up and gazed at the wonderful sight. Hundreds of dragonflies were flying freely at the 3 o' clock evening sky. I guess they liked the weather because it wasn't hot nor cold either; just right. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, and it was humid.

The swarm was split into two groups that flew about the school campus. Kids threw rocks and kept on laughing at how the dragonflies play "fetch" with them. I played along by twirling around the grassy fields and imagining that they would carry me up. I guess I looked stupid back then, but hey, it was fun.

There were mostly color yellow, some are blue. They were HUGE. They're adults, of course.
I don't know when they arrived our campus, and I don't know when they left. But I wish they'd go back tomorrow so we'd enjoy the amazing and wonderful sight again.


When I was at school, I learned and got interested in origami. My first ever creation was a crane (with the help of a classmate), then a cube made out of not-so-simple units of paper. Though I still find making a paper shuriken/ ninja star hard.
The other day I made another paper crane, but until now I still can't memorize the steps, sheesh.

Well, origami takes patience. You guys should try it out too.


Until the next post.


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