A happy ending for an Annus Horribilis?

Hong Kong (c) Himaruya Hidekaz
Gaaah--- so cutee--
I mean-- er-- 
I'm currently making a manga with him in it :D I hope I can finish it before my 14th birthday comes, which is still next year :v This would be a gift for myself, aruuuu~
Anyway, about the title. 
I mentioned that this year became an "Annus Horribilis" (Wiki- it if you'd like) for me.
Well, last Friday, when our school celebrated our Christmas party, I was very happy upon receiving a dozen (literally) gifts from my friends. I didn't expect to have to much-- well, it may seem like a small number for some people-- but for me, it's very heartwarming-- really.
What a way to end the school year-- non?
 Don't laugh, I got the lines wrong. :\
I'm thinking of posting my art here, but sometimes I just get too lazy to scan them
My tablet is always going nuts. :C 

One more thing

Gah, Hetalia is so epic. Dx
I must praise whoever drew this!  


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