Mural painting + How I spent my new year's.

We've been doing this for 3+ hours. xDD

I spent my new year's in my aunt's house.. only some of my cousins were there (and they were GUYS.) I was drawing when midnight came, and I only noticed that it was 2011 after 15 minutes, lol.
and, uhm, well, for 2 hours (after midnight) they played poker on half of the billiards table while I played billiards alone. (my other cousin sometimes butts in, lulz).
annnnnnd most of the time, I put too much power on the ball and it jumps off. I hit my head on the metal clothes hanger once, and it hurt. Until now it still does :v 

For 3 consecutive years, I haven't held any fireworks. I'm proud of myself *shot*.

Ciao :v


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