Just came home a few hours ago from a contest held at another school. (DSSPC- Division School Secondary Press Conference)
There were lots of students from different schools found in our municipality. I was in the editorial cartooning. I was the only one who represented or school in the Filipino category. (though I have no idea why there are English and Filipino categories if we're just going to draw.. lol)

Afterwards, when I went down, I saw our adviser (who isn't supposed to be there), along with my schoolmates and our leading teacher (head of the English department in my school and moderator of the journalism club). I double-checked if it was really our adviser with my schoolmates. (because I didn't expect him to be there, lol. but he said he stopped by because he went somewhere near the school we were at). Our adviser joked "Ah. I saw Myca. I can go home now." Me and my friends laughed.

When we were on our way home, we rode on a van. There wasn't enough space and our adviser was the last to sit. I sat on my friend's lap. Our moderator was at the front, and she turned at us and said "Myca? Why are you sitting on Roxanne's lap? Go sit on sir's!"
Automatically, everyone in the van (journalism club / mix of second, third, and fourth year students) said "yieeeeeee". (a Filipino expression to tease someone with his/her crush or.. something like that)
Of course, I just went along and laughed. Though I felt embarrassed. xD

When we arrived at our school, me and my friend went to our classroom to fetch some books. We passed by the faculty room. I imitated the angry birds' crow while passing by. Then, suddenly, our adviser opened the door behind us, and we looked around and laughed when we saw him holding his shoe in a spy-like pose and said "I thought I heard a cat."

He's an awesome teacher. xD

and I got really intimidated by the other participants of the conference. They draw so goooodd.


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