Late Night Sleepy Thoughts 1

We are who we aren't.

There's always more than meets the eye. In fact, it could even be less than what we think it already is. We always expect to be able to read everything from just using what we see as the sole basis for making conclusions. We always want to believe in something that could be wrong. We always want to feel right by manipulating the world.

It's funny, how we reluctantly smile at strangers we come across daily, how we say sorry even though the other is at fault, how we make impulsive decisions that hinder long-term goals, how we don't hesitate to deny others' requests, how we let ourselves be obedient even to the silliest of laws.

It's also funny how the human mind has an optimistic side where our subconsciousness runs to when it needs to feel safe. It's where the mind drowns itself with all these happy thoughts that aren't always true.

On the other hand, what we are inside is never fully revealed, needless to say.

It's better to never assume that we know everything about someone or something in particular. It will only lead to expectations, and eventually, disappointment.


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