Out of My Usual Self

Since I've entered uni, I have lost my usual drive to study and recently, my attention is divided among the subjects I am currently taking. It bothers me because this was not how I was back in high school. If I say that this is because of college alone, is that a plausible excuse for my gradual academic negligence?

I am currently in my third year of taking up biology, but I'm already delayed for a year or so because I took non-major subjects during half of my second year because I was supposed to shift to fine arts, and I also took a leave for a semester during my freshman days.

I have no problem so far with me staying a little longer in uni, and I am so far enjoying my stay as I get to know a lot of people, whether it be younger students or professors. Notice that I omitted older students, since I, myself, am a senior already (and I don't really know much older students). I had a job in a department and I could say I know a lot of the professors in my college, but of course I still exhibit respect towards them especially during classroom settings.

My problem recently is that maybe I am still trying to manage my time with my subjects for this semester. Maybe I'm experiencing some kind of shock because currently, I'm taking all major subjects 3 of them being 5 units each and a total of 19 units, compared with my previous semester where I took all non-major subjects and a total of 15 units. Just the thought of taking "too many majors" vs. "all non-majors" is already making me cringe. I suppose I made a mistake of adding physics because I haven't taken my calculus yet, and I am honest enough to say that my math is just good enough to allow myself to pass. Yes, that's how bad I am, well, relatively. I am taking a science course. Numbers are everywhere. Numbers make me cry. 

The funny thing is, as the semester's ending and I'm getting a glimpse of my grades, my evaluation for myself turned out to be quite different than I expect: I might be able to pass my physics

The plot twist is: I might fail my chemistry. It's just inorganic chem. Basic inorganic chem. I somehow forgot my high school chem and I failed to integrate the lessons I learned before and failed to cope up with the discussions.. yeah. I know. I shouldn't be explaining myself right now. 

Maybe I enjoyed my two other majors, which are both zoology. I love zoology so much, I would be fidgeting in my seat and curse in amazement when I learn something new. I could write a completely different blogpost in dedication for my zoology majors, but that will have to wait.

I could say I'm doing well in both of my zoo majors, and I'm passing my physics.. but I couldn't say the same for my chem. I'm afraid I would have to retake it immediately. This has been bothering me lately because I noticed that I haven't passed a single exam yet. *gasp* It took me a lot of dignity to type that out. As for someone with a big ego, I finally swallowed my pride. Anyway, I might as well retake it and understand everything by the second take, than to pass and crawl my way up to my higher chem classes because I didn't understand the basic concepts.


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